The Bell Food Group as a company and all our employees are bound by the law, regulations and internal policies. In order to preserve our integrity, compliance with these rules may in no way be compromised. Ethical and moral values are the binding foundations for our employees, but also for our business partners.
If you suspect any violation of the law, unethical behaviour or violations of our Code of Conduct, the Whistleblowing Reporting Office is at your disposal. Our employees, customers, suppliers and business partners can use the Office to report suspected or actual violations. Such violations include, for example:
Incoming reports will be processed in accordance with a standardised procedure. All information received will be treated as strictly confidential, reports can be submitted anonymously if desired and anonymity will also in any case be guaranteed in further processing of such reports.
The safest way to submit a report is to open the following address in the browser of your personal computer:
Or you can go directly to the reporting portal via the following link:
Whistleblowing Reporting Office of the Bell Food Group
Online form:
Head of Internal Audit and Compliance:
+41 58 326 2754