Saturday, 22 March 2025 · 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
With food and drink and attractions for children

Thuillard Jean-François and Matthias
Rte de Lausanne 20
1055 Froideville

Poultry production

Good earning potential, affordable investments, a comparatively moderate workload and plenty of future potential. These are just some of the advantages of joining the Bell Food Group as a BTS or organic poultry producer. See for yourself.

Poultry meat is popular. Sales of poultry meat have been recording solid growth rates for years. For this reason, the Bell Food Group is always on the lookout for farmers who are interested in getting into poultry production.

Free-range poultry

The poultry is kept in free-range conditions in accordance with the guidelines of the Coop Naturafarm Program (CNf). They are fed organically and according to their needs. The animals have plenty of space and access to a conservatory and pasture.

Poultry BTS husbandry

BTS poultry are kept in particularly animal-friendly housing. In the outdoor climate area (conservatory), the animals have plenty of daylight at their disposal. Species-appropriate husbandry and optimal feeding are the best prerequisites for the best poultry meat.

Organic poultry farming

The organic poultry is kept in accordance with the Coop Naturaplan (CNp) guidelines. The animals are housed in small mobile stables. They have plenty of space and access to spacious pastures. The best organic poultry meat.


Integrated poultry production

The Bell Food Group is one of the largest suppliers of sustainable poultry meat in Europe. In its home market of Switzerland, in Austria and in Germany, the Bell Food Group has an integrated production facility in which we control the entire value chain from the hatchery to the ready-to-eat product.

With its more than 600 contract producers, the Bell Food Group is committed to fair and long-term cooperation based on partnership. With our own advisory and health service, we not only support you when you start out in poultry production, we are also available to answer any questions you may have afterwards.

Are you interested in starting organic or BTS poultry production in Switzerland or Austria? Get in touch with us. Our competent experts will be happy to provide you with information.

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