Group structure

The Bell Food Group consists of the Bell Switzerland, Bell International, Hubers/Sütag, Eisberg, Hilcona, Hügli and Finance/Services divisions.

Bell Food Group Ltd is the parent company of the Bell Food Group and is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. It is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. The main reasons for the listing are access to a broader capital market on the one hand and the broad customer base of the Bell Food Group on the other. Bell Food Group Ltd is the only listed company in the scope of consolidation.


The Bell Food Group has no shareholdings in listed companies, nor are there any cross-shareholdings.

Organizational chart as at December 31, 2024

1 On June 1, 2024, Marco Tschanz took over the position of CEO and the management of the Bell Switzerland division from Lorenz Wyss, who left the company for reasons of age. The Bell International division was reorganized at the same time: Martin Schygulla took over the management of Bell International from Marco Tschanz.
The Bell Western/Eastern Europe division was dissolved and the Bell France and Bell Poland units are now assigned directly to the Bell International division. In addition, Hubers/Sütag has been managed as an independent division under the leadership of Marco Tschanz since June 1, 2024.

2 Mike Häfeli took over the management of the Iceberg division from Marco Tschanz on January 1, 2024.

3 On March 1, 2025, Eric Overbeek will take over the management of the Hügli division from Thomas Bodenmann, who is leaving the company for reasons of age.
Eric Overbeek will become a member of the Group Executive Board on this date.

4 The Finance/Services Division operates across the entire Bell Food Group.