An impressive number

190 is a big number. It is even more impressive when you realize that this is the number of quality controls that a Bell sausage has to undergo before it is allowed to leave the production plant in Basel. From the raw material to the finished product. The example of Bell-Würstli, the crispy sausage made from beef and pork, is a wonderful illustration of the care that must be taken to ensure that a product meets all requirements in terms of enjoyment and quality.
Quality checks are carried out throughout the entire production process: on the animal, the raw material and the product, but also on equipment, means of transportation and in production rooms.At Bell-Würstli, the process starts with the delivery of the cattle and pigs. The supplier's accompanying documents provide information about the animals; for example, their origin, the type of husbandry or the name of the farmer. A vet checks the state of health and the ear tag number, and only then is an animal approved for further processing.
About a quarter of the checks take place before slaughter and ensure that the animals are handled with care and comply with legal requirements, such as the Animal Welfare Ordinance. During processing - cutting, chopping, casing, binding, smoking and packaging - the focus is then on the quality of the meat and processing. This quality is also maintained during storage and logistics.33 of the total of 190 controls are based on legal standards, while the remaining 157 are internal Bell guidelines, customer specifications or food safety standards such as IFS Food or FSSC 22000. 143 controls are directly part of the process, 47 are so-called supporting controls that ensure a generally clean and safe production environment: for example, measuring airborne germs or testing the drinking water.As numerous and varied as the controls are, each one makes an essential contribution to producing safe and enjoyable products. In this way, we can guarantee our consumers at all times: What comes from the Bell Food Group is good.