Get to know the apprentices from the Bell Food Group

04.02.2021 Working at Bell Food Group
Some of our apprentices as well as former apprentices within the Bell Food Group were interviewed. They talk about how they like their work, how the application process went and how they manage to juggle school and work. Our former apprentices talk about their apprenticeship and what they are planning for the future.

"You are seen as part of the company and everyone is valued for their work"

Alessandro Sommer

Businessman in the 1st year of apprenticeship

How did you find out about the profession and the company?

I became aware of the profession because basic commercial knowledge is very important for my future career. I have known the company for a long time, as it has a significant name in the food industry. I became aware of the apprenticeship at the Bell Food Group through an acquaintance of my mother's.

How was your application period?

My application period was very special because I applied during the coronavirus pandemic. I had shortened trial days and the interview took place in a large meeting room so that the Covid-19 measures could be adhered to.

Was your first day at work great, as was your first week at work?

The first day at work involves a lot of general information. On this day, the principles and values of the Bell Food Group are explained and familiarized. The first week of work involves many new acquaintances and the tasks and expectations of the department are explained to the trainees.

Have you been able to settle in well at the vocational school?

Yes, I was able to get used to the vocational school very well, even though there is a big age difference to my classmates. The mix between school and work was new to me, but I got used to it too.

You've been in your apprenticeship for almost half a year now. Do you still like it? Or have you realized that it's not for you after all?

I am very happy with my choice. I am extremely well supported, the work itself is fun and you are challenged.

Daniel Butau

Machine and plant operator in 2nd year of apprenticeship

How did you become aware of the profession and the company?

Through my passion for football (Bell Harkebrügge company team) I heard about Bell Germany and my interest was aroused. After my internship, my decision was made: I wanted to become a machine and plant operator.

What was your application period like?

I agreed with my trainer and the management that I could work as a production assistant until the start of my apprenticeship and get a taste of the job.

Was your first day and week at work great?

On my first day at work, I had a tour and two briefings, after which I was finally allowed to use the machines. I had a lot of fun working and learning with great colleagues on new machines.

Have you been able to settle in well at the vocational school?

Due to the whole corona situation, school lessons were unfortunately canceled in some cases and video lessons were held. I think the lessons at the vocational school are very good and I've already achieved some very good grades.

You've been in your apprenticeship for almost half a year now. Are you still enjoying it? Or have you realized that it's not for you after all?

I really like it, I've already learned a lot and I'm getting better and better at setting up the machines and adjusting the systems, for example. I would give it 10 out of 10 points.

Igor Vaskovic

Office assistant in 2nd year of apprenticeship

You had already started another apprenticeship. Why didn't you finish it?

Unfortunately, I had to drop out of the apprenticeship in the final year for health reasons. I wasn't recommended to continue working there either.

What are your plans after your apprenticeship?

After the office assistant apprenticeship, I would like to complete the commercial apprenticeship at Bell. After completing my apprenticeship, I would like to gain some work experience at Bell.

Which departments have you been in so far? Which one did you like best and why?

During the office assistant apprenticeship, I've only been in two departments so far: HR = Human Resources (personnel office) and in Procurement. I really like both departments because they both give me different benefits.

Why did you choose a commercial apprenticeship of all things?

It offers very good opportunities for further training and is a highly recognized and valued apprenticeship.

Do you think you want to stay with Bell for a long time after your apprenticeship?

I would like to stay at Bell for a year after my apprenticeship, but I would also like to get to know other companies. The decision has not yet been made for me.

Marko Bahor

Cook in his 2nd year of apprenticeship

Can you talk a little about your apprenticeship so far?

The apprenticeship so far has been very good. I've been able to learn and see a lot of new things. The school is also great. I've made lots of friends and made good contacts. Learning is fun when you have the right friends and the right support at work.

What does a working week look like for you?

My working week is from Monday to Thursday; I have school on Friday. Many days are the same, but there is variety in between and I really enjoy that.

Do you prefer going to school or working? And why?

I think both are great. I have lots of friends at work and at school. But I would probably prefer to go to school.

Why did you actually choose this profession?

I used to love cooking at home with my mother. So I've always been interested in cooking and wanted to learn more. I really enjoyed going to home economics at sixth form. That made me want to start an apprenticeship as a chef.

Veronika Watzke

Industrial clerk in her 2nd year of apprenticeship

Can you talk a little bit about your apprenticeship so far?

Yes, of course. I started my apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at Hilcona AG in August 2019. My apprenticeship will last three years in total.

I find it exciting that we apprentices change departments every six months, so you get a deep insight into what's going on internally. The changing areas of responsibility also give you a good opportunity to think about what career goals you want to pursue later on.

At the beginning of my apprenticeship, it was a little difficult for me to settle into the world of work. The new environment and the responsibility towards others, which you don't have at school, presented me with new challenges. I think it's the same for many people. At school you are responsible for yourself, but in a company you are part of a large team, whether it is a department, a business unit or, for example, Hilcona AG and its employees. Everyone has to carry out their tasks carefully, otherwise it could lead to fatal mistakes. In the meantime, I have settled into the working world very well and I definitely like Hilcona as an employer.

If you are doing a commercial apprenticeship, which departments have you been in so far and which ones will you be joining? Which department do you really want to work in? Which is your favorite department so far

So far, I've been able to work in the Transport and Purchasing departments. I'm currently in the HR department. In the future, I will also visit the Order Processing, Accounting and Food Service departments. I would still like to incorporate something into my apprenticeship in terms of corporate communications and marketing.

My "favorite department" so far is the HR office. I really enjoy working with people and the varied tasks I get to do here in the department. I am challenged a lot in the department, can organize myself independently and divide up the work myself. I'm very pleased with the trust the employees place in me. I also like the fact that I can count on a lot of support from my training supervisor and my vocational trainer.

What does your working week look like?

My working week consists of three working days and two school days. From the third year of my apprenticeship, I'll only be at school one day a week. From Monday to Wednesday I am at Hilcona, Thursday and Friday at the vocational school in Buchs (BZB). At school, I'm studying economics, French, English, IT, German, accounting and sport as an E-profile business administrator.

As far as work is concerned, I always write down my priorities for the day every morning. Before I head home, I should have completed my workload.

Do you prefer to go to school or work? And why?

I can't really say that. I like going to school because I like the fact that I'm always learning new subjects there and it's also a change from everyday working life. On the other hand, I like working because it allows me to put what I've learned at school into practice and I also have a shorter journey home to Austria.

Why did you actually choose this profession?

I have always had a keen interest in economics, history and politics. Before my apprenticeship, I went to a grammar school, but unfortunately my time at school didn't make me happy. At some point, I started to think about how I wanted to develop professionally later on and it was clear to me that I would go to university. However, I thought it made sense to gain professional experience beforehand, not just through internships, temporary or part-time jobs, but through comprehensive training. So I came to the conclusion that a commercial apprenticeship and subsequent studies in history, sociology, political science or similar would be the right path for me. Things took their course and, fortunately, I got the apprenticeship at Hilcona.

Decisions that go far into the future, such as your future career path, can often be difficult. Nevertheless, I personally think it's important that everyone thinks about it carefully and asks themselves what really fulfills them and makes them happy.

Mara Gomes Silva

Businesswoman in her 3rd year of apprenticeship

Would you like to stay with your company after your apprenticeship

You automatically become part of the company and everyone is valued for their work. I can gain a lot of valuable work experience here.

Do you already have an idea of what you want to do after you graduate?

After I have completed my apprenticeship, I would like to do the vocational baccalaureate. But not full-time, but part-time. That way I can work three days on the side and earn a bit of money while I study. A bit of a challenge is always good. Once I've passed my A-levels, I'd like to study and try out new things in the professional world.

Do you have stress because of studying, work and school?

Everyone has a dropout at some point during the three or four years of their apprenticeship, a point where it becomes too much. The important thing is to keep calm. If I manage my time well and, if I'm lucky, I can still learn on the job, then I would say I have an advantage. As long as you are actively involved in the school, learning is a lot easier. Of course, there are days when you have to work longer, but there are also days when you can leave earlier once everything is done.

Janjira Suwanthong

Businesswoman in her 3rd year of apprenticeship

I'm Janjira and I'm training to be a commercial clerk at Bell Switzerland Ltd in Basel. I'm now in the third - my last - year of my apprenticeship

Would you like to stay at Bell after your apprenticeship

I'd love to, if it's possible. My apprenticeship has already given me the opportunity to get to know six different departments. This has enabled me to make lots of contacts over the last few years and get to know Bell and the meat industry.

Do you already have an idea of what you want to do after graduation?

After I graduate, I would like to take a vacation and enter the big world of work with new energy and gain professional experience. Of course, I will then also enjoy the time off from studying for the first time.

Are you stressed about studying, work and school?

Yes. Of course, I had to get used to the rhythm in my first year. School on Mondays and Tuesdays and work from Wednesday to Friday. That's a good change, depending on the department, I also had time to study in the office. In other departments, I was so tired in the evenings that I had to sacrifice my weekend. If you can organize it well and are really disciplined in your approach, there is hardly any stress.

Lara Wolf

Procurement assistant and central services

My name is Lara Wolf and I am 20 years old. I started my apprenticeship as an EFZ B profile clerk in August 2016 and successfully completed it in August 2019. I currently work in Purchasing, Production Procurement.

Do you already have a plan for where you want to be professionally in the future?

Would you like to emigrate? If so, where and why? Or would you like to work abroad for a few months?

At the moment, I would like to continue working in Switzerland. As I'm not a globetrotter, I wouldn't even consider a short-term stay abroad (for work). But: never say never. I don't know what the future holds.

What are you doing now and what are you responsible for now?

I currently work in Purchasing as an Assistant and Central Procurement Services Clerk. I support my line manager Thomas Graf, my boss Catherine Grimaz and the purchasers with a wide range of tasks. My tasks include checking and filing specifications, filing certificates, creating info records, approving invoices... as well as the day-to-day business

Did you prefer to go to school or work during your apprenticeship?

To be honest, I preferred going to work. That was largely due to my classmates. During my apprenticeship, I couldn't identify and make friends with the people in my class. With an age difference of 7-10 years, I think that's a bit difficult. What's more, I always liked the practical side of business much better.

What was your favorite subject? And why?

My favorite subject at school was economics, because you could learn a lot of new and useful things in this subject.