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EBITDA increased again
The Bell Food Group continued the positive trend of the previous years to post a good operating result in the 2024 financial year. EBITDA grew by 3.6 percent to CHF 351 million and continued the long-standing growth path. At CHF 167 million, EBIT was up 1.3 percent year-on-year. Net revenue adjusted for foreign exchange and acquisition effects rose by 5.7 percent to CHF 4.7 billion. Because of higher taxes and interest, the annual result of 124 million was slightly lower than in the previous year.
Additional market share
The volume increase allowed us to further expand our market presence. The higher costs are mostly explained by inflation and growth. Targeted product range management and innovative initiatives improved the competitive position and led to gains in market share.
Investment programme on course
The investment programme is proceeding according to plan. In Oensingen (CH), interior construction work has progressed further for the slicing centre, logistics centre and cattle slaughterhouse. At Hilcona in Schaan (FL), the installation of the steel bay for the high bay warehouse is in full swing.
All business areas made a strong contribution
All business areas gained market share in 2024. All of them have a relevant position in their markets, either as market leader or a strong niche player.
- In spite of the patchy barbecue season due to the bad weather, Bell Switzerland posted pleasing growth for net revenue and sales volume.
- Bell International opened additional slicing lines to expand its capacity for sliced charcuterie and increase the depth of added value.
- Thanks to brisk demand for poultry products in the organic segment in particular, Hubers/Sütag once again posted a result that was well above the previous year.
- The «freshly made» fruit range launched by Eisberg in Switzerland has successfully established itself.
- Hilcona outstripped the previous year’s sales revenue and grew in particular in fresh meals and tofu.
- Hügli improved its margins in spite of higher procurement costs and substantially improved its results.
The lengths of the bars are not shown to scale.