Philipp Wyss

1966 | Swiss citizen
Member of the Board of Directors | member of the Compensation Committee
Education and training
Commercial specialist, butcher
Current position
Chair of the Executive Board and Head of Retail, Coop Group Cooperative, Basel; since 2021
Other board member mandates
- AgeCore Ltd, Geneva
- Marché Restaurants Schweiz AG, Dietlikon; Chair
- Swiss Household Services Ltd., Oberbüren
- Transgourmet Holding AG, Basel
- Two Spice AG, Zurich
Other functions and offices
Professional career
- Deputy Chair of the Executive Board and Head of Marketing/Procurement, Coop Cooperative, Basel; 2012–2021
- Head of Retail/Head of Central Switzerland-Zurich Sales Region, Coop Cooperative, Basel and member of the Executive Board of Coop Group Cooperative, Basel; 2009–2011
- Head of Sales, Coop Central Switzerland-Zurich Region, Dietikon; 2008–2009
- Head of Category Management Fresh Products/Restaurants, Deputy Head of Marketing/Procurement, Coop Cooperative, Basel; 2004–2008
- Category Manager Meat, Fish, Fresh Convenience, Coop Cooperative,
Basel; 1997–2003 - Senior Product Manager and Authorised Representative, Federation of Migros Cooperatives, Zurich; 1993–1997
- Head of Sales, Sempione Gehrig AG, Klus; 1990–1992