Business area Eisberg

Satisfactory financial year

In the past financial year, the business area Eisberg experienced growth in a challenging market environment. In summary, Eisberg is satisfied with the results for the 2024 financial year.

  • Eisberg Switzerland had a good financial year and compensated for the declining trend in bagged salads by launching new fruit ranges.
  • The Eisberg and Sylvain units were merged.
  • At Eisberg Austria, unexpected developments in costs and income cast a cloud over the increase in sales.
  • An automated fruit bowl line was commissioned in Marchtrenk (AT).
  • New customers were acquired for the recently launched range of freshly cut fruit products.
  • The salad bowl range was expanded in Hungary, and salad bowls were launched in Poland and Romania in the third quarter.

1 000 000 cups of «freshly made» fruit sold

Eisberg created another strong foothold with the further development of its fresh convenience fruit range. The «freshly made» fruit range was launched very successfully in Switzerland and Austria. The company celebrated the milestone of one million sold cups of sliced and ready-to-eat fruit after just nine months.

Weather put delivery readiness to the test

As the harvest season ended early in Spain, raw material availability became a challenge from April. The situation was made worse by heavy rains in Austria and Eastern Europe and bad storms in the Valencia region in October. Weather conditions affected the volumes and quality of the harvested raw materials. However, Eisbergʼs strong network was a great help in guaranteeing delivery readiness at all times.

A successful future

Eisberg has initiated comprehensive programmes to ensure the advancement of the business area. These programmes focus on the areas of strategy, organisation, leadership and operational excellence, and comprise a wide range of projects and transformation initiatives that will drive Eisberg forward in a targeted manner.

Net revenue
(in CHF million)
10.7 %
Organic growth
(Number as of 31.12.2024 translated to full-time equivalents)
Net revenue in CHF million
Operational investments in CHF million

The lengths of the bars are not shown to scale.

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