Business area Hügli

Improved margin situation

The Hügli business area achieved a good result, up on the previous year. Margins improved in spite of higher procurement costs. The food service channel gained market share. Innovations supported the operating result and added important market momentum.

Steinach expansion completed

The modern delicatessen facility in Steinach was fully commissioned in July 2024 and all 14 processing and bottling plants were successfully relocated from St. Gallen. The new IFS certification was done in August. The scheduled commissioning of the new delicatessen facility in Steinach considerably expanded production capacity for the high-growth segment for mayonnaise, mustard, tomato sauce, dips, salad dressings, etc.

Volatile markets

Procurement markets have stabilised, albeit at a high price level. As turnaround times for non-perishable convenience products are relatively long, there was a delay in passing on the cost hikes to product prices. Changeable weather conditions burdened seasonal food sales. The added-value food concepts launched in the food service segment did very well.

Improving efficiency

Hügli is continuing to work on improving its efficiency and processes. A programme with an implementation horizon of three years has been specifically designed for this purpose. It comprises many measures, including ones to optimise product ranges and production processes. The implementation of the SAP software in Neuburg (DE) was finalised in the reporting year and will further improve process efficiency. Roll-outs have started at Steinach (CH) and Hard (AT) and are expected to be finalised in summer 2025.

Net revenue
(in CHF million)
3 %
Organic growth
(Number as of 31.12.2024 translated to full-time equivalents)
Net revenue in CHF million
Operational investments in CHF million

The lengths of the bars are not shown to scale.

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